Trojan is the word adopted from Yunani Mithology, in the story of Troya War. Simply, trojan means as spy. similar to virus, trojan will grow fast inside computer. When computer is infected by trojan, it is always bussy event we're not accessing some hard programs.
Trojan is dangerous for computer. Trojan makes computer run slowy. Otherwise, computer get spied by hacker. Hacker can manage online computer infected by trojan. it's similar to illegal remote administration tool. Trojan can do many dangerous activities like:
- Deleting files
- Sending illegal files
- Accessing application soft wares inside the computer
- showing images
- Spying soft ware running
- closing application running
- spying what we type
- Asking us to chat
- shitting down computer
I recommend you should protect your computer soon against trojan, both for on line users and off line users.
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